Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Does alcohol n smoking affect men's fertility n sex life ?

In today's era the lifestyle of people is influencing their health and the events that take place in a healthy body. When we talk about the abusive substances as in alcohol and smoking, they hinder the physiology of body be it men or women.

Natural fertilization is achieved when a healthy male produces millions of sperm with enough of them motile and reach the female genitals to end up in fertilization; but  the alcohol abuse and smoking decreases the chances of fertility by either decreasing the sperm count or ceasing the sperms to live or to swim till the fallopian tube of their female partner. 

Here are the ways in which these abusing substances affected the male fertility:

When we consider the male fertility it gets affected by alcohol and smoking as:
  • Alcohol consumption lead to impaired testosterone production. 
  • Alcohol results in atrophy of testis resulting in impotency, infertility and withdrawal of male secondary sexual characters.
  • This lead to deterioration of sertoli cells by the ill influence on hypothalamus- pituitary-gonadal complex and retards the hormonal secretion leading to impaired libido and hinder sperm production. 
Smoking is hazardous to both the active and passive smokers thus along with the person smoking tobacco and nicotine like carcinogens it affects the passive smokers too who inhale the toxic smoke.
  • Smoking lowers the semen quality and thus provide less sperms  for fertilization affection the mortality  and mobility of the sperm.
  • Even mild smoking show the immotile sperms in 40% cases.
  • In heavy smokers , the sperm loose motility even after ejaculation.
  • The viscosity of semen increases with reduction in semen volume slowed liquefaction period due to the ill effects of smoking over the seminal vesicles.
Thus alcohol consumption and smoking even mild or severe affects the semen quality,  secondary sexual characters in males including the libido, reduces the sperm mortality and mobility and thus in turn result in infertility in men. 

How Can IVF help you with this?  

In Vitro Fertilization is a wonderful method that emerges as miracle for the infertile couple be the problem is with man or the woman. This technology solves it all.

In most cases of smoking and alcohol intake the semen quality, sperm count and erection gets affected . In IVF the sperm taken from the male or any donor sperm can be selected and the ova from the female is taken and the fertilization is made to happen in a test tube and thenlater transplanted in female's uterus.
IVF is the most reliable and safe technology that can chop off the negative effects of smoking and alcohol on your fertility and could help your duo to conceive and bless you with the gift of parenthood.

Care Womens Centre is the one of the Best fertility hospitals in Indore and provides the Infertility treatment in Indore at very  low cost, If are looking the best Test tube baby center in Indore, come to the Care Womens Centre. Book an appointment today call now 8889016663 for more information.

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Monday, 29 June 2020

How can I increase the chances of healthy pregnancy?

Well as we all know pregnancy is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. But everything isn't that simple. A pregnancy may end in a live birth or unfortunate miscarriage.

So how can we increase the chances of having healthy pregnancy?

Well there are lots of ways to increase the chances of healthy pregnancy -

1.  A pregnant lady must visit doctor on regularly basis and must get the scheduled diagnosis done including the sonography and regular blood sugar level.

2.  Folic acid and iron tablets play a big part during pregnancy period so the pregnant lady should take 400 micrograms folic acid every day.

3. The most important thing comes before you get pregnant . You must properly vaccinated for some diseases like chicken pox  and rubella. Because that could harm an unborn baby.

4. Eat healthy foods -

When a mother get pregnant  she  need healthy foods for herself and unborn baby.  The healthy food help her to keep her energy up during the period of pregnancy. She must reduce the intake of caffeine and the food that may lead to obesity as it may hinder her healthy pregnancy. 

5. Must quite smoking and alcohol habits –

Prenatal consumption of both of these may result in abrupt cessation of pregnancy that is Infant Death , developmental disorders affecting the brain of growing foetus and resulting in poor auditory capability,  learning disabilities , speech disturbances. As the alcohol reach out to foetus through placenta it results in diabetic new-born or preterm baby..

6. Take vitamins tablets -

Vitamins play vital role during the period of pregnancy. As we know in days of pregnancy mother's body consume more energy than normal days. for providing more energy to mother and unborn baby , the body use vitamins and minerals more then usual .

7. IVF

At times when natural fertilization fails to occur, in vitro fertilization comes as a boon to the woman who want to conceive. When father's/ donor's sperm is fertilized with mother's ova outside the body in a lab and then the zygote is transferred to female's uterus. This is a way secured method to ensure a healthy pregnancy in complicated cases.

8. Yoga And Exercise 

Yoga keep the charge of woman's mental health and thus ensuring she does not suffer from partum anxiety and prepares her mind to accept the changes her body faces during the pregnancy. On the other hand  the exercise done underguidance helps her to achieve a healthy pregnancy. But the woman must not do heavy work or heavy exercises. 

9. Another important aspect to keep in mind is to not take medications without prescription, many medicines have a teratogenic effect over the new-born and thus every medicine a pregnant woman take must be confirmed by her doctor.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phase of a woman's life thus the women herself along with her family and the environment affects her pregnancy. 

Care Womens Centre is the best Fertility centre in Indore and provide the affordable IVF cost in Indore. Book an appointment today call now 8889016663 for more information.

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To More Post:- Infertility

Wednesday, 17 June 2020


The inability of a person, animal or plant to reproduce by natural means. It is usually not the natural state of a healthy adult, except notably among certain Eusocial species.

Introduction :- Infertility means not being able to become pregnant after a year of trying. If a woman can get pregnant but keeps having miscarriage or stillbirth, that's also called infertility.

Infertility is fairly common. After one year of having unprotected sex, about 15 percent of couples are unable to get pregnant. About a third of the time, infertility can be traced to the woman. In another third of cases, it is because of the man. The rest of the time, it is because of both partners or no cause can be found.

There are treatments that are specifically for men or for women. Some involve both partners. Happily, many couples treated for infertility go on to have babies.

Chance for getting pregnant

Have regular intercourse several times around the time of ovulation for the highest pregnancy rate. Intercourse beginning at least five days before and until a day after ovulation improves your chances of getting pregnant. Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle — halfway between menstrual periods — for most women with menstrual cycles about 28 days apart.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking can help you to conceive pregnancy.
  • Limited caffeine
  • Avoid lifting heavy weight
  • Exercise daily
There are 2 types of infertility:
  • Primary infertility refers to couples who have not become pregnant after at least 1 year having sex without using birth control methods.
  • Secondary infertility refers to couples who have been able to get pregnant at least once, but now are unable.
Female infertility may occur when:
  • A fertilized egg or embryo does not survive once it attaches to the lining of the womb (uterus).
  • The fertilized egg does not attach to the lining of the uterus.
  • The eggs cannot move from the ovaries to the womb.
  • The ovaries have problems producing eggs.
Male infertility may be due to:
  • Decreased number of sperm
  • Blockage that prevents the sperm from being released
  • Defects in the sperm

Care Womens Centre is the Best centre for IVF in Indore. Dr. Shweta Kaul Jha is very experience doctor for infertility treatment in Care Womens Centre. If are you searching the best  IVFspecialist in Indore for IVF treatment, visit in Care Womens Centre. Book an appointment today call now 8889016663 for more information.

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Thursday, 11 June 2020

Side effects of embryo freezing

Any complications or side effects of embryo freezing usually occur when the doctor is extracting the eggs.

Common side effects of extraction tend to be mild and temporary.

They include:
  • cramping or bloating
  • feeling full
  • bleeding
  • changes in vaginal discharge
  • infection
  • overstimulation of the ovaries
How long can embryos stay frozen?

In theory, a correctly frozen embryo can remain viable for any length of time.

The embryos remain in sealed containers at temperatures of -321ºF. At this temperature, almost no biological processes, such as aging, can occur.

There are examples of successful pregnancies resulting from eggs that people have stored for up to 10 years. No long-term research into embryo freezing exists because doctors have only been carrying out the procedure since 1983.

Some countries regulate the length of time that a person can store their embryos. Freezing and storage are expensive, and each clinic has its own rules about what happens if a person can no longer use their embryos or keep them frozen.

Frozen or fresh embryos?

A study published in the International Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine looked at the results of over 1,000 instances of embryo transfer involving either fresh or frozen embryos.

The researchers found no statistical difference between the types of embryos, in terms of pregnancy rates or fetal health. The authors pointed out that people could use frozen, but not fresh, embryos for additional transfers in the future.

Other studies suggest that transferring frozen embryos may be more effective.

Results of research published in 2014 indicate that frozen embryo transfer might lead to a higher rate of pregnancy and better outcomes for both the woman and baby.

Who can benefit?

Embryo freezing may be a better option for certain groups, such as:
  • people with genetic disorders that affect reproduction
  • people who will soon undergo chemotherapy
  • people who take medications that affect fertility
  • same-sex couples and other LGBTQ+ people who wish to have children
  • Some hospitals offer services specifically for the LGBTQ+ community.
People who are approaching an advanced reproductive age and who are not yet ready to have children may also benefit from freezing embryos for later use.

Freeze-all cycles

In a freeze-all cycle, a doctor extracts an embryo, freezes it, and stores it.

People may benefit from this process if they have a higher risk of ovarian stimulation syndrome. This is a rare and potentially dangerous condition that can arise when a person is receiving stimulating hormones to increase egg production.

To reduce the risk of this condition, a doctor may recommend freezing the embryo and transferring it when the ovaries are no longer stimulated.

A doctor can also use a freeze-all cycle to test an embryo for a genetic disorder. This involves removing a few strands of DNA and testing the chromosomes.

Embryos with a standard set of chromosomes are more likely to transfer successfully. Prescreening can ensure that future offspring have a lower chance of developing genetic diseases.


Embryo freezing is relatively safe and often leads to a successful pregnancy and delivery.

Possible risks include a slightly higher chance of genetic abnormalities in the child. It is important to note that, because this is a new procedure, the long-term health effects are not yet clear.

Also, women who become pregnant at a later age have a higher risk of complications.

In addition, fertility treatment can lead to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. In fewer than 2 percent of cases, symptoms are severe, but they are unlikely to be life-threatening.

Finally, treatment can be costly. However, it offers a wider range of options for people who wish or need to delay pregnancy, or who may otherwise be unable to conceive.

We provide the world class IVF treatment in Indore at very affordable price. If are you searching the best IVF center in Indore for infertility treatment with low cost, Visit at Care Womens Centre. Book an appointment today call now 8889016663 for more information.

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Thursday, 4 June 2020

Embryo freezing: What you need to know

Embryo freezing is a procedure that allows people to store embryos for later use. A person can also freeze eggs, which are not fertilized. An embryo forms after fertilization and after the cells start to divide.

The first successful pregnancy resulting from freezing a healthy embryo took place in the 1980s. Since then, many people have frozen embryos and used them later.

A person may decide to store an embryo if they hope to become pregnant in the future, to donate to others, for medical research, or for training purposes.

The process begins by using hormones and other medications to stimulate the production of potentially fertile eggs. A doctor then extracts the eggs from the ovaries, either for fertilizing in a lab or for freezing.

Successful fertilization may lead to at least one healthy embryo. A doctor can then transfer the embryo to the womb, or uterus. If the treatment is successful, the embryo will develop.

Fertilization often results in more than one embryo, and the doctor can freeze and preserve the remaining embryos.

What is an embryo, and how do people create one?

According to an article published in the journal Human Reproduction, the medical community uses the term embryo from the moment that cells divide after fertilization until the eighth week of pregnancy.

Before freezing can take place, people need to create suitable embryos. To do so in the laboratory, doctors must harvest and fertilize some eggs.

First, the person will take hormones to make sure that ovulation happens on schedule. They will then take fertility medications to increase the number of eggs that they produce.

In the hospital, a doctor will extract the eggs, using an ultrasound machine to ensure accuracy.

A person may wish to freeze their eggs. Or, they may wish to use them at once to become pregnant. In this case, the doctor may recommend in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

During IVF, the doctor exposes the eggs to sperm and leaves them in a laboratory for fertilization to take place. After this, the correct term for a fertilized egg is an embryo.

An embryologist will monitor the development of the embryos over the next 6 days, after which they may choose a suitable embryo for implantation.

During ICSI, the doctor extracts the eggs and injects a single sperm directly into an egg.

They may do this if there is a problem with the sperm or if past attempts at IVF have not resulted in fertilization. The doctor may use one embryo and freeze the others.

How do people freeze embryos?

The main aim of freezing embryos is to preserve them for later use.

The biggest challenge is the water within the cells. When this water freezes, crystals can form and burst the cell.


To prevent this from happening, the doctor uses a process called cryopreservation. It involves replacing the water in the cell with a substance called a cryoprotectant.

The doctor then leaves the embryos to incubate in increasing levels of cryoprotectant before freezing them.

After removing most of the water, the doctor cools the embryo to its preservation state. They then use one of two freezing methods:

Slow freezing: This involves placing the embryos in sealed tubes, then slowly lowering their temperature. It prevents the embryo’s cells from aging and reduces the risk of damage. However, slow freezing is time-consuming, and it requires expensive machinery.

Vitrification: In this process, the doctor freezes the cryoprotected embryos so quickly that the water molecules do not have time to form ice crystals. This helps protect the embryos and increases their rate of survival during thawing.

After the process of freezing is complete, the doctor stores the embryos in liquid nitrogen.

Success rates of thawing frozen embryos

The process of thawing an embryo after cryopreservation has a relatively high success rate, and research suggests that women who use thawed embryos have good chances of delivering healthy babies.

According to a comparative study and review published in 2016, babies born after cryopreservation showed no increase in developmental abnormalities. However, the medical community still requires more long-term follow-up studies.

Some research indicates that, compared with slow freezing, vitrification increases an embryo’s chance of survival, both at the freezing stage and during thawing.

Care Womens Centre is one of the Best fertility hospitals in Indore. We have been providing the best infertility treatment in  indore for many years. If you are looking for the best centre for IVF in Indore, then you should visit Care Womens Centre,  Indore. Book an  appointment today call now 8889016663 for more  information.

Request an Appointment / General Inquiry:- https://www.carewomenscentre.com/appointment/request-call-back/

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