Monday 29 June 2020

How can I increase the chances of healthy pregnancy?

Well as we all know pregnancy is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. But everything isn't that simple. A pregnancy may end in a live birth or unfortunate miscarriage.

So how can we increase the chances of having healthy pregnancy?

Well there are lots of ways to increase the chances of healthy pregnancy -

1.  A pregnant lady must visit doctor on regularly basis and must get the scheduled diagnosis done including the sonography and regular blood sugar level.

2.  Folic acid and iron tablets play a big part during pregnancy period so the pregnant lady should take 400 micrograms folic acid every day.

3. The most important thing comes before you get pregnant . You must properly vaccinated for some diseases like chicken pox  and rubella. Because that could harm an unborn baby.

4. Eat healthy foods -

When a mother get pregnant  she  need healthy foods for herself and unborn baby.  The healthy food help her to keep her energy up during the period of pregnancy. She must reduce the intake of caffeine and the food that may lead to obesity as it may hinder her healthy pregnancy. 

5. Must quite smoking and alcohol habits –

Prenatal consumption of both of these may result in abrupt cessation of pregnancy that is Infant Death , developmental disorders affecting the brain of growing foetus and resulting in poor auditory capability,  learning disabilities , speech disturbances. As the alcohol reach out to foetus through placenta it results in diabetic new-born or preterm baby..

6. Take vitamins tablets -

Vitamins play vital role during the period of pregnancy. As we know in days of pregnancy mother's body consume more energy than normal days. for providing more energy to mother and unborn baby , the body use vitamins and minerals more then usual .

7. IVF

At times when natural fertilization fails to occur, in vitro fertilization comes as a boon to the woman who want to conceive. When father's/ donor's sperm is fertilized with mother's ova outside the body in a lab and then the zygote is transferred to female's uterus. This is a way secured method to ensure a healthy pregnancy in complicated cases.

8. Yoga And Exercise 

Yoga keep the charge of woman's mental health and thus ensuring she does not suffer from partum anxiety and prepares her mind to accept the changes her body faces during the pregnancy. On the other hand  the exercise done underguidance helps her to achieve a healthy pregnancy. But the woman must not do heavy work or heavy exercises. 

9. Another important aspect to keep in mind is to not take medications without prescription, many medicines have a teratogenic effect over the new-born and thus every medicine a pregnant woman take must be confirmed by her doctor.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phase of a woman's life thus the women herself along with her family and the environment affects her pregnancy. 

Care Womens Centre is the best Fertility centre in Indore and provide the affordable IVF cost in Indore. Book an appointment today call now 8889016663 for more information.

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To More Post:- Infertility

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