Thursday, 26 September 2019

Lipomesosalpinx: a rare possible missed tubal factor of infertility

Abstract - 

This study aims to estimate the proportion of significant mesosalpingeal adipose tissue condensation (lipomesosalpinx, at least of a caliber similar to the ampulla of the ipsilateral tube regardless of well-defined or poorly defined margins) among infertile women subjected to diagnostic laparoscopy. This study is a cross-sectional study set at a specialized endoscopic center. All infertile women scheduled for diagnostic/therapeutic laparoscopy during the period between July 1994 and December 2012 was included in this study. Interventions used were preoperative hysterosalpingography, transvaginal ultrasonography, as well as body mass index for all cases. Laparoscopic documentation of a significant mesosalpingeal condensation of adipose tissue as well as histopathologic assessment of the adipose tissues in some cases was observed. The main outcome measures included number of cases with unilateral or bilateral lipomesosalpinx. Significant lipomesosalpinx was diagnosed in 145 (5.7 %) out of 2,563 cases examined by laparoscopy. In all but seven cases, lipomesosalpinx was seen bilaterally (99.7 %). There was insignificant correlation between those cases and high body mass index when compared to the rest of the cases. Infertility was unexplained by laparoscopy in 621 cases (24.3 %) while laparoscopy diagnosed etiologic factors in 1,942 (75.7 %) cases. Lipomesosalpinx was seen in 46 (7.4 %) and 79 (3.9 %) of the unexplained and explained cases, respectively, without a statistically significant difference (P = 0.48). Despite being a rare laparoscopic finding, significant lipomesosalpinx should be reported and documented as a possible missed tubal factor of infertility. Whether to treat lipomesosalpinx or not, bilaterally or unilaterally and by which means, require further studies with proper second-look laparoscopy.

Introduction - 

There is a general consensus among gynecologists that tubal patency at hysterosalpingography (HSG) is quite assuring about tubal factor and they proceed to investigate other factors or advise patients to try assisted reproduction. Actually, the fallopian tube is a complex paired organ, not a simple tubing. The classic tubal factors include post-inflammatory peritubal adhesions and prominal or diatal tubal occlusion [1] which can be easily diagnosed by most gynecologists based on HSG. Other rare tubal diseases are seldom investigated. For instance, salpingitis isthmica nodosa which is a nodular swelling of the isthmic segment of the fallopian tube are rarely reported [2]. Anatomically, mesosalpinx is defined as the part of the broad ligament enclosing a fallopian tube forming its mesentery. Histologically, it is formed of a thin layer of squamous epithelium and a small amount of loose areolar connective tissue [3, 4]. It contains sympathetic ganglia and plexuses [5]. Laparoscopically, mesosalpinx is a thin vascular layer without evident fat in most cases.

Unexplained infertility is a real challenge for gynecologists. It is idiopathic in the sense that its cause remains unknown even after an infertility work-up, usually including semen analysis in the man and assessment of ovulation and fallopian tubes in the woman [6]. In Assiut, we believe that diagnostic laparoscopy is an integral step of the diagnostic work-up of any infertile couple before saying the term “unexplained”. With time, interest to discover minute lesions that may affect fertility increased at our institution [7]. In practice, we observe some fatty tissue condensation in the mesosalpinx in some cases that deserve studying why it is present in some women. To make this study valuable, we considered mesosalpingeal adipose tissue significant if its caliber was at least similar or exceeds the caliber of the ampulla of the ipsilateral fallopian tube regardless of the appearance of its borders. The tested hypothesis is a significant lipomesosalpinx that would hinder tubal motility and would be a cause of infertility. This study aims to estimate the proportion of significant mesosalpingeal adipose tissue condensation (lipomesosalpinx) among infertile women subjected to diagnostic/operative laparoscopy.

Patients and methods

This study was conducted between July 1996 and December 2012 at the Endoscopic Unit of the Woman's Health University Hospital, Assiut University, Egypt. It was approved by the institutional review board (IRB) of the Faculty of Medicine. All patients gave a clear written consent to participate in this study. It prospectively comprised 2,563 infertile patients submitted to video-assisted laparoscopy for diagnostic or operative purposes (Table 1). Preoperative metric body mass index (BMI) estimation and transvaginal ultrasonography (TVS) were done as a routine for all of the cases. Metric BMI is calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. Meticulous evaluation of HSG was made to identify tubal shape and patency whenever available. At laparoscopy, a thorough visualization of the mesosalpinx for evidence of adipose tissue condensation was reported. We considered mesosalpingeal adipose tissue significant if its caliber was at least similar or exceeds the caliber of the ampulla of the ipsilateral fallopian tube (Fig. 1). In all cases, using tubal chromopertubation, tubal patency was assessed and the relationship of the mass to the tubal lumen was recorded. Moreover, observation of the range of mobility of the tubes to the Douglas pouch was reported.

Based on the recommendations of the IRB, only unilateral excision or lysis of significant lipomesosalpinx was performed even if it was seen bilaterally in an otherwise normal genital tract anatomy at laparoscopy. Since it is a preliminary study, ethics recommended if any intervention should be unilateral until clear results of better bilateral excision of lipomesosalpinx with second-look laparoscopies. The side of the tube that will be operated upon was recorded. If this fatty condensation is pedunculated, it was excised with a bipolar scissors. If nonpedunculated but localized, a small microsurgical incision of the mesosalpinx was made followed by extraction of the adipose tissue with a fine-grasping forceps. The mesosalpingeal defect was then coagulated with bipolar forceps. Sutures or monopolar diathermy were not used in any case to minimize the risk of peritubal adhesions or tubal damage. On the other hand, if the adipose tissue mass was diffuse and ill-defined, it was coagulated as far as possible from the fallopian tube utilizing a 3-mm bipolar needle till complete melting of the adipose tissue. In most cases, histopathologic examination of the adipose tissue biopsy (Fig. 2) was done.


This study included 2,563 infertile patients submitted to diagnostic or operative laparoscopy (Table 1). They were in the child-bearing period with a mean age of 24.5 years and mean parity of 1. Preoperatively, TVS was done for all cases that failed to detect any paraovarian echogenic condensation in all cases. Body mass index was calculated for all cases. Its mean was 29.4 with statistically insignificant correlation to lipomesossalpinx (P = 0.12). Significant lipomesosalpinx was diagnosed in 145 cases (5.7 %). In all but seven cases, lipomesosalpinx was diagnosed bilaterally (99.7 %). Infertility was unexplained by laparoscopy in 621 cases (24.3 %) while the cause of infertility could be explained in 1,942 (75.7 %) of the cases. Lipomesosalpinx was diagnosed in 46 cases (7.4 %) and 79 (3.9 %) in both groups respectively without statistically significant difference (P = 0.48). Biopsy of lipomesosalpinx revealed a normal adipose tissue in all cases. Surgical management of lipomesosalpinx was done, but data were excluded according to the aim of this study.

Care Womens Centre is one of the Best fertility hospital and IVF center in indore, providing world-class fertility treatments. We believe in evidence-based treatment and transparency in all interactions with patients. We have brought in the world's most advanced technology, ensuring that all our services are cost- effective.  

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Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Sperm tail-tracking technique could improve male fertility testing

"Should we be using new tool of Flageliar Analysis and Sperm Tracking ( FAST)?"

INTRODUCTION: Can flagellar analyses be scaled up to provide automated tracking of motile sperm and does knowledge of the flagellar waveform provide new insight not provided by routine head tracking? The clinical gold standard for sperm motility analysis comprises a manual analysis by a trained professional, with existing automated sperm diagnostics

computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA)] relying on tracking the sperm head and extrapolating measures. It is not currently possible with either of these approaches to track the sperm flagellar waveform for large numbers of cells in order to unlock the potential wealth of information enclosed within.

SUMMARY: Using the software tool IFlagellar Analysis and Sperm Tracking (FAST)! Gallagher et al' analysed 176 experimental microscopy videos and have tracked the head and flagellum of 205 progressive cells in diluted semen (DSM), 119 progressive cells in a high-viscosity medium (HVM) and 42 stuck cells in a low-viscosity medium. The software tool in this manuscript has been developed to enable high-throughput, repeatable, accurate and verifiable analysis of the sperm &Filar beat. Unsc reened donors were recruited after giving informed consent. They described fully automated tracking and analysis of flagellar movement for large cell numbers. The analysis is demonstrated on freely motile cells in low- and high•-viscosity fluids and validated on published data of tethered cells undergoing pharmacological hyperactivation. Direct analysis of the flagella,- beat reveals that the CASA measure 'beat cross frequency' does not measure beat frequency; attempting to fit a straight line between the two measures gives R2R2 values of 0.042 and 0_00054 for cells in DSM and I-IVM, respectively. A new measurement, track centroid speed, is validated as an accurate differentiator or progressive motility. Coupled with fluid mechanics codes, waveform data enable extraction of experimentally intractable quantities such as energy dissipation, disturbance of the surrounding medium and viscous stresses. They provide a powerful and accessible research tool, enabling connection of the mechanical activity of the sperm to its motility and effect on its environment. The FAST software package has only been tested for use with negative phase contrast microscopy. Other imaging modalities, with bright cells on a dark background, have not been tested but may work. FAST is not designed to analyse raw semen; it is specifically for precise analysis of flagellar kinematics, as that is the promising area for computer use. flagellar capture will always require that cells are at a dilution where their paths do not frequently cross.

CONCLUSION; High-throughput flagellar waveform tracking and analysis enable measurement of experimentally intractable quantities such as energy dissipation, disturbance of the surrounding medium and viscous stresses, which are not possible by tracking the sperm head alone. Combining tracked flagella with mathematical modelling has the potential to reveal new mechanistic insight. By providing the capability as a free-to-use software package, ability to accurately quantify the flagellar waveform in large populations of motile cells will enable an abundant array of diagnostic, toxicological and therapeutic possibilities, as well as creating new opportunities for assessing and treating male subfertility.

REFERENCES: I. M T G-allagher, C Cupples, E H Ool,1 C Kirkman-Brown, D 1 Smith, Rapid sperm capture: high-throughpul Ilageilar waveform analysis, Huinan Reproduction. Volume 34, Issue 7, July 2019, Pages 1173-1135, luipsdidoi.orgi10,1093fItuinreptcler,OSIS


Infertility often comes unannounced in life and leaves us with no hopes and despair. Care womens centre gives you hope and a will to achieve what life has denied you. care womens centre is among one of the Best fertility hospitals in indore where you are provided with a complete range of infertility treatment in indore with the best IVF specialists in Indore. book an appointment call 8889016663 or online visit for more information 

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More Post: Do I need IVF?

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Do I need IVF?

In-vitro Fertilization helps you to overcome from various causes of infertility. For the couples who have been diagnosed with tubal blockage in females or  sperm abnormality in males, and many other such problems that are causing infertility or if other simpler treatment procedure haven’t worked out then IVF is the most trusted solution. Few common conditions can be treated by IVF are mentioned here:


Endometriosis is the disorder characterized by the growth of endometrium like tissues, (tissue lining the inner layer of uterus), outside the uterus i.e. in Fallopian tubes, ovaries and to the lining of pelvis. These extra growths function as normal endometrial wall and with each menstrual cycle they become thick, break and bleed. It causes severe pain during menstruation (known as Dysmenorrhoea). And most importantly it can be the cause of infertility. If endometriosis associates with ovaries, it may leads to formation of cysts known as Endometriomas. In such cases IVF is the first line of treatment, sometimes along with a combination of medical and surgical treatment regime gives the most promising results.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/Disease

PCOS/PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/Disease) is characterized by irregular or prolonged Menstrual periods in women of reproductive age. It is generally diagnosed in married women when they are unable to conceive children, however through general awareness and monitoring, it can be diagnosed at an earlier stage and is resolved by regular treatment. Most of the patient with complain of PCOS conceive with the simpler procedure like IUI, but some of them experience failure at one or other stage. For those patients IVF is the better option with higher success rates and reduced risks. 

Fallopian tube blockage/ dama

Blocked fallopian tubes are usually non symptomatic and not detected at early age, It is one of the possible cause of infertility in females. It is also known as “Tubal Occlusion”. Fallopian tubes are the pathway of eggs to transfer from ovary to uterus and the site of fertilization. Any blockage or damage to this creates problem in conceiving. This is primarily corrected by surgery but if there is any kind of risk in surgery, the other treatment option suggested by fertility specialists is to opt for IVF. This process by-pass the tube and the fertilized egg is placed directly in the uterus and pregnancy is achieved.

Age Related Infertility

With increasing age of women, normal ovarian functions and reproductive health decreases. Even at later ages, after having a baby, there can be problems in getting pregnant second time also. It has been reported by many studies that after the age of 35 years the normal reproductive life starts reduction and in most of cases ovulation become irregular. This condition is now easily overcome by IVF treatment, outcome of the IVF procedure is promising if there is no other physical ailments.

Male Infertility factors

Male Infertility solemnly accounts for approximately one third of the cases of infertility among couples trying to conceive and is an issue of growing concern these days. Infertility in male individuals is mostly ignored and remains undiagnosed until there is a failure of conception after marriage. There are various causes of male infertility which interfere with your chances to have a baby.

Pre-testicular causes: These comprise of Endocrine (Hormonal) Abnormalities and Coital Disorders. The factors that affect the normal hormonal regulation of the testicle can be obesity, low testosterone, medications, steroids, narcotics.

Testicular causes: It includes Genetic, Congenital and Vascular Defects. The factors which are responsible for affecting normal sperm production by the testicle are undescended testicles, trauma to the testicle, prior chemotherapy, a history of testicular cancer, genetic factors, genital infections, prescription drugs and cigarette or marijuana smoke.

Post-testicular causes: It includes Obstructions, Vasal Defects and Immunological Disorders. The Factors interfere with the ability of the sperm to travel from Testicle (the site of production) to vagina through ejaculation during intercourse can be genetic factors, hernia repair, absent vas deferens, vasectomy, genital tract infection, ejaculatory duct abnormalities, retrograde ejaculation, erectile dysfunction.

These issues are a big hurdle in a couple’s life. And all those problems related to sperm quality and transfer, except those because of genetic issues can be overcome by IVF. IVF became a boon for the couples who have been diagnose with infertility issues and you need to get the appointment with your fertility expert in case of getting issue in pregnancy or conceiving.

Are you looking for the Best fertility centre in indore?  Care womens centre is one of the best fertility centre and ivf center in indore. provides affordable, world-class medical care for the infertility couple. Are you looking for best IVF hospitals in India at low costs? Contact us today for Best fertility hospital in indore. For More information visit our website and book an appointment and call  us More information  88890 16663.

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